Edition Introduction Sixth Sociology Topics
Kerry Ferris and Jill SteinW.W. Norton2014559 pages$32.00HM586This textbook introduces sociology by focusing on everyday life, mass media, technology, and popular culture, as well as integrating critical thinking and analytic skills. It uses real-world examples and hands-on applications to explain major sociological concepts and emphasizes the interactionist perspective, while covering other theories, such as postmodernism. This edition includes updated workshops that lead students through the analysis of data; new sports, media, and popular culture examples; new and expanded research; revised boxes on the relevance of concepts to work, relationships, and the future; and new boxes on the future of sociology and sociological issues. The authors try to reflect the importance of sociology for human relations, future goals and work thanks to living examples.
This textbook has a unique ability to stimulate students intellectually and contribute to the development of sociological thinking.This textbook helps students gain an understanding of the three theoretical perspectives of sociology. Students will be able to independently explain what structuralism, symbolic interactionism and social conflict are.Moreover, they will be able to apply the sociological imagination, through which they can understand their personal problems from the point of view of social influences. This book provides a clear understanding of such problems as inequality that is based on class, field or scatters and it’s a great intro to sociology.View & Buy.
Edition Introduction Sixth Sociology Topics 2017
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