Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Codes
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New Page:. New Page:. New Page:. New Page:FATALITIES AND FINISHERSNote: A1 refers to “Attack Button” 1.
1 is Square, 2 is Triangle, 3 is X, 4 is Circle. These should work on Xbox & GameCube as well, just hit the corresponding “Attack Button”. “Hara Kiri” refers to a new “Suicide” Finisher that allows you to kill yourself before your opponent can finish you off (pun intended).
Mortal Kombat: DeceptionMarch 1, 2005, 5PerfectSee also.Mortal Kombat: Deception is a fighting game developed and published by Midway as the sixth installment for the Mortal Kombat ( MK) series. Mortal Kombat: Deception follows the storyline from the fifth installment,. The story centers on the revival of the Dragon King Onaga, who attempts to conquer the realms featured in the series after defeating the sorcerers Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, the main antagonists in the previous game, and the Thunder God Raiden, defender from Earthrealm. As such, the surviving warriors from the previous titles join forces to confront Onaga. Contents.ProblemsThere are no reported problems with this title.Enhancements IR1x and Shadow IssuesThe player's shadow has small rectangles surrounding it when using IR1x. To prevent that, turn off Scaled EFB Copies or set 'Internal Resolution' to Native.16:9 Widescreen Gecko Code NA $16:9 WidescreenC21DDE4ED041828 3E2000 3E4000 92000C21DDE6C 000000 ED00004256388 C06398 C56530 C0653C C0020000ConfigurationOnly configuration options for the best compatibility where they deviate from defaults are listed.Graphics ConfigSettingNotesScaled EFB CopyOffAvoid lines on shadow edges /w IR1xVersion CompatibilityThe graph below charts the compatibility with Mortal Kombat: Deception since Dolphin's 2.0 release, listing revisions only where a compatibility change occurred.
Compatibility can be assumed to align with the indicated revisions. However, compatibility may extend to prior revisions or compatibility gaps may exist within ranges indicated as compatible due to limited testing. Please update as appropriate. TestingThis title has been tested on the environments listed below:Test EntriesRevisionOS VersionCPUGPUResultTesterr6676Windows 7Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 @ 2.67GHzNVIDIA GeForce 9600 GTPlayable (30-40FPS, big freezes, small graphic artifacts)r7250Windows XPIntel Pentium E2180 @ 2GHzNVIDIA GeForce 7100 GSPerfect (45-50FPS)Ubuntu 14.10Intel Core i3-3220 @ 3.3GHzNVIDIA GeForce GTX 650Starts.
Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube
At the end of the Netherrealm segment of Konquest mode the game will autosave and then load the Nexus; this autosave will corrupt and break your profile causing you to lose all progress. The game also hung on a FIFO Overflow error once as well. When it works it plays with only very minor graphical glitches at consistent 100% speed, but it's impossible to complete Konquest mode because of the save corruption. All other modes tested work fine however.Ubuntu 14.10Intel Core i3-3220 @ 3.3GHzNVIDIA GeForce GTX 650Almost perfect. I replayed the game again after deleting my save and I made it past the part where the profile corrupted before, so it must have been an isolated case. My suggestion is not to use savestates. Also Ashrah's spinning special moves with the particle effects used to make the game stutter and could cause a FIFO Overflow, but after this seems to be much more stable.

Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Codes
The only graphical problems I noticed were Shujinko's mouth in cutscenes floating as a square in front of his face, and around some pieces of scenery I could see through the floor, but neither of these are really noticeable at native resolution and neither affect gameplay.Windows 7Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300AMD Radeon HD 7870There are black lines on the floor under the feet of the characters circling them, especially noticeable in Konquest Mode, no options seem to fix that, but runs at a stable 60FPS and is otherwise pretty good emulated.Gameplay Videos.