Ps3 Game Charts All Time
From this page you'll be able to peruse a list of every game that has been awarded a score 10/10 by VideoGamer Dot Com, going back almost ten years. This makes them the Top Games of All Time (y'know, in the context of when they came out and who reviewed them and all that). A 10 is the tippy toppest score we can give out (you can check out our current score policy ).If you ever feel like you want to play a game, but the big stack of bad boys you've got at home isn't doing it for you, then you can use the Top Games list as a shortcut to find something you'd like - sort of like when you're scrolling aimlessly through Netflix and nothing jumps out, but then your mate messages you like 'Here, have you seen Westworld? It's well good, you should check it out.' If you're reading this in the future, Westworld was a popular television show on Netflix involving robots, Anthony Hopkins, and a self-playing piano.History has thrown up a whole range of show stopping games, which is why you can also check them out by year, platform and genre, categorised for your every need!
Just make sure you don't get square eyes, which is a real thing and not something your mum made up.
Editor's Note: List last updated September 4, 2015 The PlayStation 3 era has come to a close, so it's time now to look, one last time, at the 25 most incredible experiences it gave us. Even with much of the list largely established, this last update came with some tough decisions, but here it is: IGN’s Top 25 PlayStation 3 games.This time around, your selection committee is: (Editor), (Executive Editor), (Senior Editor), Mitch Dyer (former Editor), and (Editor) Our criteria are as follows: The primary question this top 25 list is intended to answer is simple: 'What are the 25 best games we played on this platform?'

How much fun we had with the games is obviously our primary concern, but we also considered elements like longevity/staying power, influence, and innovation. What do you think of our selections? Let us know in the comments, and sound-off with your own Top PS3 Games lists. And now, without further ado.
Ps3 Game Charts All Time Download
The original Dead Space is one of the PS3’s most atmospheric and disturbing experiences. Although the series changed significantly with each entry, the original is an authentic and diverse work of horror. At times, it evokes pure, unspeakable terror: the sinister, space religion of Unitology and its foundational artefact, The Marker, lend Dead Space a sublimely weird power. But it’s not just interested in atmosphere and suspense, either; it knows there’s plenty of mileage in the gruesome and grotesque, too. The game’s recurrent enemies, Necromorphs, are reanimated corpses stretch into macabre shapes. Limbs sprout from nowhere and tendons rip. They’re horrifying, and can be killed only by strategically hacking off limbs using Isaac Clarke’s arsenal of modified engineering tools.
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It sounds gross, and it is, but it helped established Dead Space as the PS3’s essential horror game. South Park: The Stick of Truth succeeds so brilliantly because it feels just like playing through an epic season of the show itself. This is no surprise, given the deep involvement of show creators Matt Parker and Trey Stone. The writing is absurd, shocking, and hilarious. Best of all, references to the series’ beloved recurring jokes actually push them forward, and don’t feel like wink-nudge inclusions.
The actual RPG combat could have been an afterthought, but here, too The Stick of Truth succeeds. Buffs and debuffs, timed button attacks, mana conservation and more give the accessible fighting system just enough depth to remain compelling. Finally, being able to simply run around and explore a fully realized version of South Park itself is a simple pleasure fans of the show probably thought they would never get to experience. The entire polished experience is a must-play. Telltale’s The Walking Dead isn’t a game about slaying zombies. It's a game about what happens to people in a world gone to hell. Focusing on the human side of the zombie apocalypse is admittedly already in the spirit of the comics upon which the game is based, but the difference here is that Telltale’s take on The Walking Dead forces you to make the tough decisions.
Decisions you have to live with. The real star of Telltale’s The Walking Dead, of course, is Clementine, the young girl who finds herself under the protection of leading man Lee. The relationship between Lee and Clementine, a child character of rare authenticity, is executed with incredible finesse.
Dark Souls is one of the most brutally challenging - but ultimately rewarding - games of the past decade. Its combat design is superb, but requires your utmost attention at all times. Each encounter is a puzzle that needs to be solved, and until you crack the code, prepare to die again and again.
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But aside from the challenge, the world of Dark Souls contains an impeccable sense of geography that hearkens back to Zebes in Super Metroid or the castle in Symphony of the Night. Discovering how each area connects back to the Firelink Shrine is an absolute treat. If you’re willing the put in the time and effort it takes to learn its intricacies, Dark Souls rewards you with one of the most memorable adventures in recent memory.
Far Cry 3’s Rook Island establishes itself from the first moment as an absolutely insane and lethal video game location, filled with an equally off-kilter collection of villains, “helpful” friends, and wild animals. It often feels like protagonist Jason Brody - and indeed virtually every other member of of the cast - is losing it. The game feels unhinged. And it’s fantastic. This narrative emphasis on insanity and control is a perfect fit for the game’s open-world FPS gameplay. You could clear an enemy compound through careful traps, planning, and stealth.
Or you could just roll a Jeep covered in C4 directly into the center square and pull the trigger.