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Game or Patch Questions?
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Real-time Strategy
Hey, my friend has a laptop and bought the regular version of C&C3, installed it, and is having some odd problems. I've been reading this thread, and it seems like some stuff works and some doesnt, so i'm confused. His game gets the 'cnc3game.dat has encountered an error and must close. Sorry for inconvienence' whenever he tries to start a GDI Campaign, or sees an enemy in Online play. He downloaded the 'cnc3game.dat' crack, we put it in 'retailexe/1.3', but it still did the same thing and the crack didnt seem to work, being he still needed the CD as far as we could tell. I'm pretty lost right now, ANY suggestions? We got the game.dat crack from GCW about 20 minutes ago (April 5th, around 9:30 PM Central).
Command & Conquer 3 Wiki
Code: Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars(tm)Version 1.04 Patch Notes - April 5, 2007This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars addresses videoplayback issues and several multiplayer problems:Optimizations Made further improvements to video playback on low-end WindowsXP system configurations.Bug Fixes Fixed an error that caused some players to crash or disconnectwhile in online lobbies. Fixed an error that caused players with semicolon (';'),colon (':'), comma (','), or equal sign ('=') characters intheir Online IDs to not be able to see and select options fromdropdown menus in online multiplayer lobbies. These charactersare no longer permissible in Online IDs. Fixed an error that caused players to desync when watching aBattleCast match in which one of the participants disconnected.Other Fixes All online multiplayer game lobbies will now appear properlylocalized in different languages.