Msdtc Console Program
Msdtc Sql Server 2016
When using TransactionScope with multiple connections against SQL Server 2005, the transaction will always escalate to a distributed one (meaning MSDTC will be used).This is a, fixed in SQL Server 2008.One option you have is to write a single stored procedure that does all the required operations (folding up GOAInsertarOrdenDeCompra and all calls GOAInsertarItemDeUnaOrden). With SQL Server 2005 this can be accomplished with an XML parameter, though SQL Server 2008 (apart from not having this issue) has.
You could have a method in DAL.DALItemDeUnaOrden which receives a collection of ItemDeUnaOrden instead of a single item, that way you can use a SqlTransaction (or TransactionScope) and iterate over the items within the DA method. Orden.Id = dalOrdenDeCompra.InsertarOrdenDeCompra(.);dalItemDeUnaOrden.InsertarVariosItemsDeUnaOrden(orden.Items);Depending on your code, you might not have access to your busiess objects ( ItemDeUnaOrden) within you DAL, so you might need to pass the values some other way, maybe DTOs or a DataTable.
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The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator ( MSDTC) service is a component of modern versions of that is responsible for coordinating that span multiple resource managers, such as databases, message queues, and file systems. MSDTC is included in and later operating systems, and is also available for.MSDTC performs the transaction coordination role for components, usually with and architectures. In MSDTC terminology, the director is called the transaction manager.By default, the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) service is installed with Windows 2000. It cannot be uninstalled through Add/Remove Programs.See also.External links. Microsoft.
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on the Microsoft Developer Network., a Microsoft developer blog with extensive discussions on MSDTC and transaction processing.; Mohsen Agsen is a Technical Fellow who formed the core transaction group, which designed and delivered the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC).