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Finite element design concrete structures rombach pdf free. May 12, 2015 Finite-Element Design of Concrete Structures, 2nd edition GA Rombach on shipping on qualifying offers. Numerical calculations based on the finite element design method have become a standard tool for the design of many structures. In this book. Finite-element Design of Concrete Structures, Second edition, is the structural engineer's essential practical guide to the computational design of concrete structures. An increasing reliance on computer power means that now even simple structures are designed with the aid of computers.

Ham Radio Deluxe is a program for radio hams. Its main purpose is to allow you to control, by means of CAT, the main transceivers and receivers on the market, including support for manufacturers like ICOM, Yaesu, Elecraft, Ten-Tec or Kenwood. Features. Handle the main radio transmission hardware systems by means of CAT. Software formed by four integrated tools.
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HRD Satellite Tracking, satellite tracking module. Uses the main digital modes like Digital Master. Connects the software with a radio established on a remote computer via TCP/IP.CAT control for radio ham hardwareIf you're into the radio ham world and you have the hardware necessary to communicate with other radio enthusiasts via radio broadcasts, you'll surely be able to make the most of HRD, acronym by which the program is also known.